
BM Service Equestrian surfaces

A whole year through a perfect stable usable arena!

An excellent training starts with a good footing ensuring the horse's healthiness and safety. This is the highest priority. No dusty, loose or muddy surfaces!

Our goal is to manufacture a stable, cushioning and shock-absorbing arena which provides a secure footing for the horses. Converted into better sporting achievements.

Depending on the climatic conditions of the region and the intended use of the arena, BM Service offers 5 kind of surfaces. Further, we can adapt each type of soil to the individual needs and wishes of rider, horse and discipline.

Different kinds of equestrian surfaces

  • BM Equipad footing: sandy-geomix arena
  • BM Equi-flow footing: ebb and flow arena
  • BM Semi Equi-flow footing
  • BM Equi-dry footing: wax arena
  • BM Equi-grass footing: grass arena
If you want more information about our products, please contact us without obligation.